Thursday, December 12, 2013


            Whether it be natural light, or man made light, light in general is essential to life and to the arts. Light can be used for so many things with in the arts. The most obvious and crucial thing that light does is to allow us to see. Without it, there would be no way to observe anything because light needs to be reflected or absorbed by something in order for us to see it. Besides that, the position of light within a piece of art can set the mood for the viewer and can give clues as to what time of day is being resembled, or possibly what the artist is trying to tell you.
Light in Darkness - Unknown
             Another thing that light is important for is the way in which it can evoke a feeling. If there is a really bright, but soft light on the subject, one could feel a range of emotions ranging from happy to soothing. On the other hand, if there is a very dim light or none at all, a different range of emotions may rise such as, sad or depressing.
Silhouette in the tunnel - Patrick Brosset
Light can also be used as a tool within artwork. If the artist wants something to be reveled, then the usage of light on the subject may work to their advantage. If there were an item or a portion of the artwork that needs to be hidden, then the usage of light on another subject would work as well. Overall, light plays a very important role within the world of art because of how much it has to offer within any situation.

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